You have to be bitter in this line of business. I'm really a swell guy if you get to know me. For the most part I like to lounge around, talk the shit with the boys, smoke my cigars and have myself some real cookies with the pure cocoa none of that sugary nonsense.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

My trusty ol'revolver and I never met anyone with the cookies big enough to even dream about double crossing me.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Chapter 4 - So Bitter

And then there's me, a real wise guy you's say. I'm the mastermind behind these crooks and without me the whole shipbsinks. They say I have to loosen up, they say i'm always bitter, but they never say thay to my face...

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

He's crucial for the ins and outs of the business. So as much as I can have some supicions, I need him for now, and Larry vouches for him. So for now i'll just keep my friends close and my cookies closer.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

If I didn't know any better i'd say Freddy is up to something, he seems on edge, like he's pondering and scheming. I'm gonna have to give 'em a good ol' slao. I need him to be 100%.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Freddy always comes through with the goods, reliable as can be and he's a smart cookie that one, (pun intended). But lately it seems he's not all there, talking back saying that he had to do this he had to do that... Hmmm.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Freddy was an actual milkman... He comes from a long line of milkmen; his father was a milkman, his grandfather was a milkman, hell his great great granpa was probably a milkman too... I don't know. Now he's ventured into other deliveries...

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Freddy can deal and wheel and deal just about anything, that's why I have him run the operations with me. But I always get the feeling he's gonna stab me in the back. You can never be too trustful with these milkmen... If you get my drift.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Chapter 3 - "Milk Delivery"

Being as he's the milkman he has a preference for the white chocolate. It's a real obsession; you know the saying "don't cry over spilled milk", who ever said that never met Freddy.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

In prison is where he met Freddy the milkman, and well he said he wanted to recruit him, so man i couldn't say no he had just served time for me and saved my bacon.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

One day we all got caught in a massive police sting and Larry took it on himself to face the heat, he entertained those copper pigs long enough so that I could make my way out the back door... He never ratted man... 5 years in the clink, got out on good behaviour, and it didn't hurt that I greased some palms too. But it's great to have him back, I know I can trust Larry with my life.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Larry I trust even more than my brother, he's got a good heart and we know each other since we were babies. We would get into all sorts of trouble as kids and he never once ratted me out... Always took the fall if we got found out.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Me and Larry go way back, we used to go to school together, he's like a brother to me. When he told me he was quitting ball, I took him under my wing. He helps around with my brother, cleans up after him.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Larry used to play baseball, he was a good player too, almost made varsity, almost got a full ride. Except one day he took a fastball right in the kisser which is how he got the one tooth now. He was out for a few days, real mess, probably permanent brain damage, he never played ball again. He still uses his bat though, not to play ball no more... As a rolling pin of course.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Chapter 2 - Sweet and Dandy

Larry lives with his meema, she always used to bake him gingerbread cookies for christmas, that's his favourite time of the year. Now that she's too old to make 'em she's handed down the recipe to him, and he makes' em for her. He's the sweetest guy around, but you didn't hear that from me.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies #gingerbread #cinnamon

To this day they don't know what happened, like they just dissapeared into thin air just like some folks I know hahah. Freddy told me they probably hallucinated the whole thing. Oh well fuggedaboutit, we got tha cookies just like we planned.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Just the other day they thought someone has stolen tha goods from right under their nose and next thing they know they were all there. They swear they were gone, i don't know with these two knuckleheads...

Good thing Freddy was there, Larry and Tony spent a whole afternoon trying to find 'em and then Freddy turns up and there they are all tha goods prepped and accounted for.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

My brother Tony gets along very well with Larry, they are inseparable for the most part, wherever one goes the other follows. But they are not the brightest bunch, Tony and Larry, it's like Tony is the left side of the brain and Larry is the right side of the brain and when they are together they make a decent human.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Tony prefers the sweet delights of the chocolate chip cookies, real child-like you know. He don't like em' bitter like me, he likes them chunky. A fist full of hazelnuts and a fist full of chocolate chips and you got yourself a happy Tony.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies #hazelnut #chocolatechip #chocolatechipcookies

Tony works more with axes and saws... Like a real butcher you know. He hacks away and gets the job done, I couldn't ask him for more. He works well with Larry who cleans up after him, that one likes things clean and tidy.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Chapter 1 - "Very Chunky"

Tony's never been very good with knives. He's a brute alright, but he'll hit ya upside the head with those meaty hands he has. No finesse no tidiness just a big dumb brute with a huge appetite. Don't get me wrong he's my little brother but I swear he is dumb as a rock, I think Ma left me all the brains in the family...

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies

Homemade cookie just like me ol'ma

Our cookies are made at home following our original recipes family style.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies #homadecookies

Ours are truly freshly baked

Our cookies are freshly baked, and made to order. Get yours now!

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies #homadecookies

The yeast baby it's all about the yeast

Looks like some other folks thought about the same way I did and it was impossible to find yeast so Diego decided to make his own sourdough, he even named it for christ sake! Pancho bonito or somthing like that.

#cookies #delivery #barcelona #cookiebox #cookielove #crookies #sourdough #yeast

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